Meet-a-Mom - Jenn Monti, owner of Allegro Dance Studio - Birmingham Bloomfield Hills Moms


Meet Jenn Monti, owner of Allegro Dance Studio and new mom to baby #2, Eloise. She’s been a dancer her entire life and has been teaching dance since she was 18. Nothing better than a mom who brings her passion to our community, especially tutu’s and tiny ballerinas. Learn more about Jenn, her family and Allegro Dance Studio.

How many children do you have and what are their names and ages?

2- Everett almost 2.5 and Eloise 2 months 

Where do your children go to school? 

Everett does 2 half days a week at St.James Preschool in Birmingham

Tell us more about your business and background? You own Allegro Dance Studios which is so fun and such a great studio.

I have been dancing my entire life.  I started teaching when I was 18 and fell in love with it.  I loved seeing kids fall in love with Ballet and watching them develop as dancers over the years. I got certified in STOTT Pilates at Equilibrium Pilates Studio while I was  attending college and loved the benefits Pilates brought to dancers to help prevent injuries. I ended up teaching there for 14 years and that is when I realized I wanted to bring Allegro Dance to the area.  

What kind of classes do you offer? And what can a new family expect coming to your studio?

We offer classes in all genres of dance from Ballet to Hip-Hop. We also offer classes for newborns to pre-professional ballet classes and a competition team!  We strive to really make dance fun while ensuring everyone is being taught proper technique to keep them healthy and developing as dancers.  My big reason for opening the studio was to bring quality ballet training to the area and it has blossomed from there. Any child that takes a dance class at Allegro Dance will have all of the tools needed so they can do whatever they decide to with dance in the future.  

Any fun events or anything we can look forward to at your studio this coming year? I know summer camps are huge too with our community. 

We are performing “The Nutcracker” for the first time which has all of the kids super excited!  We are bringing in professional guest artists from Grand Rapids Ballet to perform the roles of Sugarplum Fairy and her Cavalier.  I think it is a great way for our students to get an up close and personal view of professional dancers at work.  We are also launching some 6 week themed classes.  I kept hearing from people recently that they wanted to enroll their child in dance classes, but didn’t want the whole 9 month/recital commitment that came with it.  We have a 6 Week Swan Lake Ballet Class starting in January that will be a weekly ballet class, a swan lake craft, storytime to learn about the ballet and the kids will learn a short dance!  We also have everyone’s favorite-Frozen Ballet Camp over Mid-Winter Break in February!  

What made you decide to raise your family here? 

We love the opportunities that are in this area for families.  Great schools, tons of family friendly local events and of course great restaurants in Birmingham, Ferndale, Royal Oak. 

What’s your favorite family activity around the holiday time?

We love the Detroit Zoo Lights and visiting Santa at the Santa House in Birmingham. We are excited that Moon Beams for Sweet Dreams at Beaumont is back this year.  It is important to us that we teach the kids to help out others and I think that is one event that is a great starting point for young kids.   Since our kids are so young, it is fun to start holiday traditions with them that we can do year after year that they will hopefully remember and love. 

Where are your favorite places around town with your kids? Favorite places to eat, have fun?

We love Griffin Claw and any local brewery!  In the Summer, Everett and I like visiting the local splash pads and parks.  Everett also loves taking class at S.W.A.G.  Kids Gym!

What do you do to balance your own life and motherhood? What do you do for “me” time?.

Right now I am trying hard to find balance with a two month old, a 2.5 year old and the dance studio.  The timing of Eloise being born right as the new dance season started has been challenging, but we are making it work.  I am thankful to have a really great studio manager and some awesome teachers that made it possible for me to take a few weeks off and kept things running smoothly for me.  Normally I like to get facials and massages for “me” time. I also try to make sure I get time to workout which keeps my body and mind happy.

Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?

My husband Nelson is such an amazing partner and dad. He is so great at keeping things running at home while I am at the studio in the evenings. He is very supportive of me following my dream of owning a dance studio.


Interested in getting your children into dance? Learn more at 

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