Meet-a-Mom Emily Jacobs, an Author, Speaker, Executive Leadership & Integrative Nurse Wellness Coach. She recently wrote a book called Live your Life for You (not your mom) and is raising two girls under 6. She tells us all about her book, how we can snag a good read this winter and her adorable family.
How many children do you have and what are their names and ages? I have 2 daughters. Elaina is 5 1/2 years old (have to include the half at that age 😉 and Allison is 3 years old.
Where do your kids go to school? Elaina is in kindergarten at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs and Allison is in pre-school at Northbrook.
You recently wrote a book. Tell us all about it. What made you sit down and write about living your life?
Since, I was a young kid, I kept a yearly journal where I would write my thoughts, experienced, challenges I overcame, and lessons I learned. In 2017, I started writing down notes of what it would look like “if” I ever wrote a book. This came about when 3 different people told me “you should write a book” when I shared stories of the lessons that I learned through my challenging mother/daughter relationship growing up. Now that I have two daughters of my own, I realized the importance of breaking toxic cycles/patterns so that I could have a better relationship with them and with myself.
Through this book and my services, I am on a mission to help women and daughters live a life for them, not their mother. Whether you deal with mom guilt, perfectionism, or people pleasing tendencies, this holds you back from creating a life you love.
I share my deeply personal experiences as a daughter and a mother to help guide you through balance, boundaries, and recognizing toxicity. In the book, I challenge you to banish your guilt, step into control, and recognize your worth so you can say goodbye to that stuck version of yourself. By diving into deep reflective questions, I challenge the status quo and offer the strength and clarity we need to heal our heart and find our way forward.
We would love to learn more about your background? It’s quite impressive… Author, Speaker, Executive Leadership & Integrative Nurse Wellness Coach.
Thank you! I graduated nursing school in 2001 with my Bachelors from the University of Michigan, then discovered “travel nursing” which led me to Colorado for a few years where I completed my Masters in Nursing and became an Advanced Practice Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist – which was the glorified title of nurse educator in the hospital. In 2008 and 2009, I traveled to Ethiopia where I was chosen to educate the nurses at a brand new cardiac hospital that raised money for advanced technology and interventions for the underserved. I found my way to Arizona and lived there for 13 years and achieved my Doctorate of Nursing and board certified nurse coaching certificate. I moved back to my hometown in 2018 to raise our family.
With over 20 years of healthcare in nursing and leadership experience, I resigned from corporate healthcare to open my own coaching business. I created a company to help guide you through creating healthy boundaries, claim your worth, and recognize the control you have over your choices. I provide a safe space for others to overcome their biggest fears, move past self-doubt, elevate their dreams and live a life they truly love and are proud of. Moms can dream big, too!
If you could give women one word of advice what would it be?
Your life is your responsibility. If you feel that “self-care” is selfish, just change the words to “taking care of yourself.” This is essential and only you can do that for yourself.
You have the power to change and re-write your story anytime. In any situation, take a millisecond to turn inward and pause to reflect. Is this really how you want to be showing up? Then consider your choices and determine if you are going to act more in alignment.
We would love to know how we can support you and where we can purchase this book? We can’t wait to read it.
You can purchase the book on amazon
Or reach out to me if you want a signed copy mailed to your home.
Tell us a fun fact about you
I love to dance and always have! In my late 20’s, I started ballroom dancing (inspired by Dancing With the Stars). I competed pro/am around the United States in the advanced amateur category for my age group. I took a break for a few years to have my daughters and just returned back to the dance floor last year with plans to compete again this year!
What made you decide to raise your family here?
I was born and raised in Beverly Hills, Michigan and couldn’t see myself raising my daughters anywhere else. My first daughter was born in Arizona and even though my husband and I were very happy there, it just didn’t feel like home once we had kids. Plus, most of my family is local in the midwest and we are so grateful for their support.
What’s your favorite family activity to do ?
So….we actually designed a coffee shop as our dining room and we love waking up slow making handcrafted espresso drinks and hot chocolate in the mornings. And, we loving being outside (walks, bikes, swim, playing at the park etc).
What are you and your family looking forward to in 2023?
We are looking forward to traveling more this year and have some fun vacation plans!
What do you do to balance your own life and motherhood? What do you do for “me” time? Juggling your own business and kids is always hardwork.
Honestly, I have learned how to set healthy boundaries, even though some days it’s still a work in progress. I check in with myself first before overcommitting. I ask myself: “is this moving me towards my goals or away from my goals.” I am committed to nourishing my health in terms of eating healthy and exercising. “Me” time is typically in the morning about 1 hour before the girls wake up. I listen to a 10 minute guided meditation to wake up, shower, and read inspiring content/books or reflect in my journal.
Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?
Yes, I would like to thank my mom for the lessons I learned from our relationship – especially in terms of what I carry with me and things I was okay letting go (i.e. what doesn’t serve me as a mother). My husband, for truly being a great partner. And, my “mom tribe” of friends for their love and support through all of the ups and downs of motherhood and life. We are not meant to do motherhood alone!
Contact information:
Email: [email protected]
Give a Follow: @dremilyjacobs
Facebook group: Live Your Life For You
Book link: