Meet-a-Mom: Angie Nagle, Associate Broker @properties Christies International Real Estate - Birmingham Bloomfield Hills Moms


Meet Angie Nagle, Associate Broker @properties Christies International Real Estate and mom of two. As a top-producing agent with her sister-in-law they understand that their clients deserve the ultimate attention. In the summer you can find her family at Woodside Swim Club and enjoy the summers up North. Read on to learn more about Angie, her family and the incredible business in Real Estate she has built. 

How many children do you have and what are their names and ages? 

I have 2 children; Lydia is 6 and Weston is 3.

 Where do your kids go to school? 

Lydia goes to West Maple Elementary and Weston goes to Franklin Community Preschool.

You’re an Associate Broker @Properties. Tell us a little bit more about @Properties, your role and what someone can expect working with you.  

I’m incredibly proud to be part of @propeties Christies International Real Estate located in downtown Birmingham. They’re a brokerage that perfectly aligns with my core values and continues to evolve, staying ahead with technology and marketing, which is crucial for our clients.

I’m partners with my sister-in-law, Jackie Nagle, which I’m so lucky to work side by side with family. As top-producing agents, we understand that our clients deserve our ultimate attention. As a team, we’re able to tailor each client’s experience to their unique set of needs.  We strive to make the process smooth but also fun. Our business continues to grow each year so we’ve brought on additional support, Larry and Lisa Nagle, keeping it all in the family!

How did you get into Real Estate? What’s your most favorite part? 

I decided to get my Real Estate license around 7 years ago. I was pregnant with Lydia and working as a design consultant at Restoration Hardware. Going from interior design to Real Estate seemed like the perfect transition, I can offer my buyers a design eye on what a home could be and I can offer sellers advice on what they can do to increase the value of their home. Jackie had gotten her license a year prior and when I jumped in, we made the decision to partner together as The Nagle Group. It’s been the BEST decision.

My favorite part of Real Estate is making an impact on our client’s lives. Buying and Selling is a huge and exciting milestone, being able to guide our clients through the process and see their success at the finish line never gets old.

 If someone is looking to buy or sell this year, what kind of advice to you have? I know the market has had it’s ups and downs over the years. 

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, my biggest piece of advice is to be prepared! Talk to a Realtor that is an expert in your local market, and come up with a plan together.


Tell us a fun fact about you? 

I grew up in the Retail industry. My parents owned a boutique called Incognito in Downtown Royal Oak for 33 years. It was a really fun and unique experience to be able to work and travel with my mom at such a young age. It taught me a strong work ethic and how valuable relationships are.

What made you decide to raise your family here? 

My husband and I both grew up in Birmingham and knew we wanted to raise our kids in our hometown close to Family. Because it’s true what they say, it takes a village.

 What’s your favorite family activity to do in the summer? 

We spend most of our time in the Summer at Woodside Swim Club and enjoying our community events at Franklin Park. We also love heading Up North to enjoy the lakes any chance we get.


What do you do to balance your own life and motherhood? What do you do for “me” time? Juggling your own business and kids is always hardwork. 

I love spending time with my mom friends, there’s nothing better than finding your people that become your chosen family. To unwind, I love taking long walks in my neighborhood and going to a hot yoga class (I love the rooftop classes at Citizen Yoga when the weather is nice).

My husband is wonderful at balancing my daily fluctuating schedule, the hours can be demanding and he steps in with the kids when a client needs me. Jackie and I also have great team work balance, when one of us is sick or is out of town the other can step in. I don’t know what I would do without her!

Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood? 

Grandparents! We are incredibly lucky to live close to both sets of Grandparents that are very hands on with our kids and step in when we need them.


IG: @AngieNagle and @TheNagleGroup  


Email: [email protected]  


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