Birmingham Bloomfield Hills Summer Guide
With Summer creeping up around the corner what better than a starting a guide to help us moms and our help this summer to keep our kids busy and making memories. You’ll find a list of ideas and happenings in the area with I promise more to come!
“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happenings at The Detroit Zoo
Dream Night – June 2 | 6 to 9pm
Brick Live – May 28 – Sept 4 | 9:30-5pm
Summer Sips – July 28 | 6-10pm
The Toledo Zoo
Visit anytime during the summer for fun |
Local Splash Pads
- Normandy Oaks Park Royal Oak
Outdoor Movies in Birmingham and Detroit
- Friday, June 2nd: Vivo @ New Center Park (Detroit)
- Friday, June 9th: Encanto @ Booth Park (Birmingham)
- Wednesday, June 14th: Black Panter: Wakanda Forever @ Campus Martius (Detroit)
- Wednesday, June 21st: Into The Woods @ Campus Martius (Detroit)
- Wednesday, June 28th: Lyle, Lyle Crocodile @ Campus Martius (Detroit)
- Wednesday, July 12th: Spider Man: No Way Home @ Campus Martius (Detroit)
- Friday, July 14th: The Grinch @ Booth Park (Birmingham)
- Friday, August 11th: TBD @ Booth Park (Birmingham)
Family Fun Days in Detroit
Family Fun Day are Sundays from 1pm and 5pm and FREE to attend. Here is the 2023 schedule.
- June 18th: Interactive, hands-on robotics, virtual reality, STEM Craft Kits, yoga, stretch, and dance for 6-13yrs
- July 25th: Musical vignettes, interactive dance/movement sessions, and karate demos for youths
- July 9th: Engineering projects, STEM Craft Kits, yoga, stretch and dance for 6-13yrs
- July 16th: Stage performances for children/families with large puppets and live actors, interactive dance/movement sessions, and karate demos for youths
- July 23rd: Interactive, hands on robotics, virtual reality, STEM Craft Kits, yoga, stretch and dance for 6-13yrs
- July 30th: A family puppet performance, interactive dance/movement sessions, and karate demos for youths
- August 6th: Engineering projects, STEM Craft Kits, yoga, stretch and dance for 6-13yrs
- August 13th: Youth performers from the metro area, musical performers, visual artists, spoken word, and DJ.
Other Fun Adventures