Hello Sunshine - Your Summer Guide - Birmingham Bloomfield Hills Moms



Birmingham Bloomfield Hills Summer Guide 

With Summer creeping up around the corner what better than a starting a guide to help us moms and our help this summer to keep our kids busy and making memories. You’ll find a list of ideas and happenings in the area with I promise more to come!

“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


Happenings at The Detroit Zoo

Dream Night – June 2 | 6 to 9pm

Brick Live – May 28 – Sept 4 | 9:30-5pm

Summer Sips – July 28 | 6-10pm

The Toledo Zoo

Visit anytime during the summer for fun  | https://www.toledozoo.org/

Local Splash Pads

  • Normandy Oaks Park Royal Oak 

Outdoor Movies in Birmingham and Detroit 


Family Fun Days in Detroit 

Family Fun Day are Sundays from 1pm and 5pm and FREE to attend. Here is the 2023 schedule.

  • June 18th: Interactive, hands-on robotics, virtual reality, STEM Craft Kits, yoga, stretch, and dance for 6-13yrs
  • July 25th: Musical vignettes, interactive dance/movement sessions, and karate demos for youths
  • July 9th:  Engineering projects, STEM Craft Kits, yoga, stretch and dance for 6-13yrs
  • July 16th: Stage performances for children/families with large puppets and live actors, interactive dance/movement sessions, and karate demos for youths
  • July 23rd: Interactive, hands on robotics, virtual reality, STEM Craft Kits, yoga, stretch and dance for 6-13yrs
  • July 30th:  A family puppet performance, interactive dance/movement sessions, and karate demos for youths
  • August 6th: Engineering projects, STEM Craft Kits, yoga, stretch and dance for 6-13yrs
  • August 13th: Youth performers from the metro area, musical performers, visual artists, spoken word, and DJ.

Other Fun Adventures 


and I promoise more to come!

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